Monday, 18 May 2009

Painter's Chronicle Bulletin

Dear Subscripients,

As you are probably aware, there was no Easter edition of The Painter's Chronicle. This arose due to unfortunate complications of examinations, Pace-Egg and certain members of the Board were unable to participate in the creation of an Easter edition. Due to poor management and timing, we left it all until the last minute, when we ran out of time. So, for this mistake, on our own half, we are sorry.

But, the good news is that we have definitely planned a post-exam edition, which will be coming out sometime this summer. This edition will be shorter and more concise, and we will be scrutinising the content. However we still want your input, into what hopefully will be another fantastic edition.
As part of the Calder High, Year 11 Leaver's Assembly, Mr Stephen Ball, head teacher of Calder High School, offered high praise to the Painter's Chronicle team. The comments were made on Friday 15th May as he remarked that it was 'the best student made magazine he had ever seen'. This was greeted with racous cheers from an audience who doubtless agreed with every word. In response to these comments the Painter's Chronicle would like to thank Mr Ball for his continuous support and also the many contributors who have helped reach this status. The Painter's Chronicle Board will speak to Mr Ball in person in the very near future.

What is more imminent is the Big Green Weekend, to be held this weekend (23rd and 24th May) where the PC will have their very own stall. We shall be on the Sunday, in the Bridge Gate Car Park in Hebden Bridge. We hope to see you there supporting our cause, we will be selling a variety of locally made cakes, making PC badges and taking orders for more PC merchandise. We are also pleased to announce that Robert Holme KBE will be present to perform selected poetry readings, throughout the day. This event is also a great opportunity to meet the Painter's Chronicle Board and even have your photograph taken with them at a small charge!

As always, please log on to our website for all of the latest updates on the PC.


The Painter's Chronicle Board

1 comment:

  1. It will be nice to see Robert Holme in person having read so much of his work in past editions. It will also be an honour to meet a KBE!
