Wednesday, 10 June 2009

The Other Side

Although this newsletter has an extremely anti BNP slant I think it is necessary to present both sides of the story so our readers can form a more balanced view on this topic. Although the BNP are viewed as vile fascists (and not wrongly) they are, however much it pains the moderate majority, representing very real grievances and prejudices. Many believe that to stop the BNP they should be banned and not be allowed to express their views. This is understandable but would be a big mistake.

Taking a look at their manifesto shows us some interesting points. One example is that they want “Britain to withdraw from the EU” also they state that there should be “British jobs for British workers”. Now although both of these are quite extreme points compared to the other parties do we really think the public don’t support these ideas, especially the working classes in times of recession? So what does this show? It could be argued on one hand that the public were misled into believing these promises but much more likely is that the BNP are actually giving those on the fringe of society a say, and it works. It is a triumph to democracy that the moderates have joined forces in some areas to stop the BNP by targeting the root cause of why people voted for the party. This means that voters are offered better solutions than simply blaming their problems on immigrants. In short the question is whether it is the party that makes the voters or the voters that make the party what it is. It is a bit of both but by tackling the BNP voters who aren’t total racists (which are many, lots of whom merely see no hope of finding a job, and account for much of it’s recent growth) the political system naturally takes people back to the central ground and leaves those left, isolated on the fringes.

In conclusion our democracy is built on debate, but we must first accept others views are not unfounded before they can be challenged. In this way our democratic process becomes more vibrant as parties in the centre fight to tackle the problems that caused voters to sway to the extreme right. It’s democracy in action. This is why we must accept that the system we have chosen can pick vile candidates but at the same time through debate and compromise and understanding they are diluted and challenged yet don’t leave a portion of society (however awful their views) feeling ignored and angry. That is the place in our system for the BNP. To give the extremists a view which can then be challenged and understood and tackled at the root, which is voter’s problems. We may not like it but the BNP should stay.
Comments Essential-What do you think?


  1. I don't think for a minute that the majority of the BNP's voters are racists. May of them are disillusioned Labour voters, who no longer feel the Labour Party is a party standing for the rights of the working individual.

    It must really be seen as the fault of the mainstream parties - particularly Labour - who have perhaps become aloof, and disconnected from the ordinary voter. I think that the failure of the main parties to treat the BNP seriously, and to address the reasons why people choose to vote for such extremists, is also partially responsible for the ascent of the BNP.

    The main parties need to realise why these people are voting for the BNP, and need to combat this, and try and reconnect with these disillusioned voters. Perhaps now that the BNP has won two seats, the parties will address the issue head on, which will be, as you said, a triumph for democracy.

    However, the BNP don't have enough support to even warrant seats - they only succeeded this time due to the collapse in mainstream parties votes, the expenses scandal is no doubt to do with this. In the best of times European Elections have a low turnout, and with voters from the main parties from staying away from the polls this time, there was an increase in BNP share of the vote, but not in their number of votes. The solution here is to engage the electorate in democracy more, especially with regards to the Euro elections. People need to be informed, so they can make informed decisions.

    For example, if they knew more about the EU, and the benefits it brings to Britain, then we'd probably see a reduced share of the vote for the eurosceptics, which would include UKIP as well. "Britain should withdraw from the EU" is simply the eurosceptics exploiting the common ignorance with regards to the EU for their own gains.

    Returning to the BNP, it's also important to note that they don't really stand for Britishness. As Daniel Hannan said on Question Time a few weeks ago (and I don't normally agree with Mr. Hannan) "Britishness" is special, because it is formed on civic, not racial values. He pointed to the second world war, where millions of people of all races and nationalities were prepared to fight for what they saw as "British values". Britain is founded on values, and not on race. We have always been a cultural melting pot, and that is one of our strengths, that we are so diverse. I think the BNP represent an incorrect idea of what "being British" is about.

  2. I now feel appropriately patronised. Thanks guys.

  3. The BNP don't truly serve a part of our society, they serve to corrupt the disillusioned voter's reason for their own political gain.Comparable to the Nazi's use of the 1930s depression.
    The BNP will make up problems that don't exist rather than represent the genuine concerns and feelings of the far right.

  4. I completely agree with the quote made by Anonymous, "The BNP will make up problems that don't exist rather than represent the genuine concerns and feelings of the far right"

    A true statement, sadly.

