Hi All,

Sorry it's taken so long to post since the swim last week at Lee Dam, Lumbutts. Well, it was very cold indeed! 5 degrees! But, due to the huge buzz and rush of adrenaline it didn't seem that cold at all! I could have stayed in there for hours... Well, a slight exaggeration perhaps! Very refreshing, very crazy and very unique. It was extremely enjoyable, and I shall be doing it again next year for sure.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who sponsored myself and Dieter Rutkowski, we raised around £300 for our respective charities (Australian Flood Appeal and The Great Generation), and your support made it all worthwhile and I'm delighted that we managed to raise so much for two great charities.
I think it's only fair to mention that Dieter won the race too, which is a fantastic achievement. I shan't be intentionally slower next year though...
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